About Us

Environmental Research Advocates (ERA), founded in 2009 by Terry and Denise Avchen, is a global, non-profit foundation. Each and every day environmental researchers see glimmers of hope in their research. However, many of these promising ideas and projects are unable to flourish because of lack of funding. It is this knowledge that propelled the Avchens to take action. ERA Science’s goal is to bring financing and worldwide recognition to noteworthy projects that will sustain the environment.

To meet this goal ERA Science is launching two programs:

  • Annually, two exceptional projects will receive a monetary prize based upon the ERA Advisory Board’s recommendations.
  • The ERA Science Advisory Board will select an annual “Global Top 50” projects. These 50 projects will be highlighted on the website, touted through ERA social media and other marketing efforts. On the ERA Science website, each project will have a succinct description along with a link to the scientists/researchers work.
    Venture capitalists, private equity funds, major corporations and other foundations have a strong desire to invest in “green” projects. ERA Science will provide information about projects that have been vetted by some of the world’s top scientists.

ERA’s Science Advisory Board is comprised of some of the most highly regarded scientists and policy makers from around the world. This Advisory Board is solely responsible for selecting the “Global Top 50” from worldwide submissions, providing the selected work the credit that it so richly deserves. ERA Science is providing access to ideas and projects that may not have otherwise had an opportunity for worldwide recognition as well as providing access to education for students in underserved inner city communities.

The Avchens hope that this endeavor will ultimately provide recognition and funding to the most innovative environmental science. Environmental Research Advocates is investing in our planet’s future.


Terry Avchen, Chairman and Co-Founder
Terry D. Avchen has three decades of experience and expertise in almost every aspect of environmental and energy law. Founding Partner and Chair of Environmental and Energy Department at the LA based law firm Glaser, Weil, Fink Jacobs, Howard, Avchen and Shapiro, he has represented companies across the environmental and alternative energy spectrum.

Under Mr. Avchen’s leadership, his law firm’s Environmental and Energy Department was recognized as “Tier 1” in the categories of Energy Law, Environmental Law and Natural Resources Law within the Los Angeles market by U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms 2011-2012.”

The Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory has awarded Mr. Avchen an “AV Preeminent” rating, and he has been recognized on the list of Southern California Super Lawyers since 2004. He is a 2013 “Top Rated Lawyer” in Energy, Environmental and Natural Resources, according to ALM, and he has recently been asked to join the Corporate Counsel Summit composed of the most successful legal and general counsel in the practice area.

Tired of seeing potentially viable projects “dead on arrival” because of lack of funding, Mr. Avchen, in conjunction with his wife, Denise, was at the forefront of the founding and development of Environmental Research Advocates.

Learn more about Terry Avchen on his blog.


Denise Avchen, Co-Founder and CEO
Denise Avchen is the co-founder and CEO of Environmental Research Advocates (ERAscience.org) established to support research and education in cutting edge science globally. Among other initiatives, ERAscience partners with CNSI UCLA (cnsi.ucla.edu) and Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (perimeterinstitute.ca) to bring inspiring science curriculum and programs to underserved inner city communities.

Ms. Avchen was founding chair of National Parkinson Foundation in Los Angeles. She was a founder and long-serving member of the Board of Directors of PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) where she continues to develop projects to assist homeless youth. She collaborated with School on Wheels to create a tutoring center at PATH which enables children who have been homeless to reenter the school system at grade level. While serving as a Governor of American Film Institute Associates, Denise’s passion for education led to her work as chair of the Youth Outreach Program. She has served on the Board of Westside Children’s Center and she has also worked with Colors United, a non-profit organization designed to rehabilitate high school aged ex-gang members through the arts.

Denise is honored to sit on the Board of Directors of The Brent Shapiro Foundation for Alcohol and Drug Awareness whose mission aim is to change the trajectory of young lives.

Denise is also very proud to collaborate with Jane Goodall and Jane Goodall Institute on initiatives Dr Goodall holds dear, and to support her ongoing great contributions to humanity.


Terry and Denise share a mutual concern for the environment; combining Terry’s extensive experience in environmental law with Denise’s expertise in the non-profit world, they co-founded Environmental Research Advocates. By providing worthy environmental research with recognition and funds, ERA allows innovative science to flourish, creating a sustainable future for the Earth, its resources and the Human race.

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