Message from ERAScience CEO, Denise Avchen, on The Jane Fonda Initiative and ERAscience’s Mission

As CEO of ERAScience, I fervently advocate environmental causes like the renowned Jane Fonda initiative, intricately entwining such causes within the very essence of our overarching vision.

Jane Fonda champions fundraising to empower climate-focused candidates at lower political levels. Known for her unwavering dedication to pressing causes, Fonda’s zeal permeates all facets of her existence. Yet, beneath this public persona lies a down-to-earth and affectionate individual unafraid to personally engage in her mission to enhance our world. 

(ERAscience CEO Denise Avchen, second from right, with Jane Fonda and JanePac comittee members)

Being an integral member of the JanePac event committee, I actively contribute my efforts due to Jane’s profound impact as a catalyst for transformation. The undeniable truth resonates; our planet is bearing witness to the disruptive consequences of climate change.

Terry, my remarkable life partner, devoted his professional journey and essence to environmental causes. Leveraging his profound legal expertise, he engaged in battles aimed at rectifying and lessening environmental injustices in our midst.

Our joint venture, Environmental Research Advocates (ERAscience), germinated back in the year 2008. It symbolized our modest contribution towards safeguarding the well-being of our exquisite planet Earth.

Our vision transcends convention, aspiring to catalyze a paradigm shift in scientific engagement. Join us in this profound journey towards a brighter future, where innovation and empowerment converge harmoniously.


Denise Avchen
CEO / Co-Founder


Link to Jane Fonda Climate PAC:

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